Certified Precision Nutrition Coach

Nutrition Coaching - Group In Person & On Zoom

You are ready to make a change, and I want to help you in this unique GROUP Nutrition Coaching Format! In person at The YOGASHALA WATERDOWN & on Zoom for your convenience - 

21 Day Group Coaching Coming Soon! New dates to be determined shortly!

Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes - Use these 21 Days to learn how to make BETTER CHOICES to support your nutrition, fitness and wellness! Set your intentions - FEEL BETTER | INCREASE YOUR ENERGY | LOSE WEIGHT | IMPROVE YOUR OVERALL HEALTH & WELL-BEING

Create new habits, or refocus and reignite - and put YOU and YOUR WELLNESS at the top of your priority list! You will be amazed by what you can accomplish when you COMMIT to nourish to flourish EVERY DAY! The added support of a Nutrition Coach to educate and encourage you EVERYDAY FOR 21 DAYS, and a like-minded community of others also striving to improve their wellness, makes the 21 Day Group Nutrition Coaching Program unique and effective. Your better choices start here!

✔️Personalized Nutrition Plan & Guide based on your Wellness Goals (PDF) with shared online Food & Activity Tracking document

✔️Daily Motivational Email with Educational & Supportive Content x 21 Days

✔️4 x 60 minute Group Coaching Meeting & Relaxing Yoga Class

Each participant will be asked to fill out an intake questionnaire and using this information I will provide each participant with their own personalized nutrition plan and habit guide.

Simple to follow nutrition guidelines will be provided, with helpful infographics, as well as custom tracking form for food and activities for the duration of the challenge. There is no calorie counting, or foods that are off-limits, just better choices that can be made!

Every day of the 21 days you will receive a motivational email to support, educate and encourage you! This will include helpful articles, recipes and homework to support the positive changes you are making.

Each week we will meet as a group and I will provide you with additional nutrition guidance and habit focus for the coming week and answer any questions that you have. Our time together will include an interactive meeting followed by a Relaxing Yoga Class to assist in increasing your happy hormones, as well as support the down-regulation of your nervous system to help optimize the benefits of your new healthy habits!

Register Today FOR IN PERSON at The Yogashala Waterdown

Or Register for Zoom Online 

21 day spring aheadpng



"I lost all the weight I hoped to and more: I truly never thought that was possible after 50. Jackie taught me how to eat, not just for weight loss and management, but for ongoing, long-term health. I don’t eat from a strict list of ‘appropriate’ foods, or even what Jackie likes: I eat healthy, whole foods that make me feel happy and satisfied. And thanks in part to Jackie’s holistic understanding of the relationship between chronic inflammation and food, my rheumatoid arthritis is under control and in remission. Jackie is thoughtful, knowledgeable, and supportive, yet she humbly gives her clients the credit for their success. Yes - I made a personal commitment to my health. But it’s Jackie’s expertise, guidance, and ongoing support that was central to that success now, and for life."

"Jackie educated me on the importance of nutrition and having self-control when choosing food. Her weekly check-ins were insightful and held me accountable, however, never felt invasive or judgemental. Her daily motivational texts kept me on track and focussed. When I selected foods that were not so healthy, we would do a breakdown as to why I chose that food and she would recommend healthier alternatives. I lost 17 lbs through Jackie's guidance and now have the confidence to keep the weight off naturally and stress free. I highly recommend Jackie as a nutritional coach because she is warm, brings positive energy, is inspirational and uplifting."

"You are an awesome coach! Not just for nutrition but for life in general. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to work with you and the benefits I have gained from our time together is absolutely life changing. Your energy is contagious, your positivity is uplifting, and your warmth was always felt and much appreciated. Just know that what you are doing is changing lives one by one and making this world a healthier and more positive place. All the best Jackie, never stop doing what you are doing so well."

"As I move through midlife I want to continue doing the things I love like walking, hiking, canoeing and camping! I want to know that I am doing all that I can to optimize overall health. Jackie has offered excellent nutrition and life balance guidance and, at the end of my six week journey with her I feel great! My energy levels are better – no mid afternoon slump – I sleep better, my hot flashes have been reduced and there is more balance in what I eat throughout the day. I feel good knowing that I am doing what I can to support healthy living."

"I lost 25 lbs in 3 months!! It was easier to follow than I thought it would be. I learned a lot about different types of food and how they work together to provide a healthy balance. Jackie provided support and encouragement on my journey as well as providing some delicious, healthy recipes…she’s an amazing nutrition coach! I feel healthier, stronger and have more energy. I highly recommend Jackie and her program."

"I just wanted to thank you so much for leading us through the 21 day nutrition challenge. For me, it has been a really great program. I think I have a better understanding of how complex and important nutrition is to our overall good health. I found the daily emails very helpful, especially all the recipe ideas, and the reinforcement of the key strategies which I will try to make lifelong habits.  Your common sense strategy and tools really hit home for me. I found the program easy to follow and I feel great. My skin is less dry, I am not hungry by mid morning and I did lose weight too.  It was nice to meet others on the same journey." Group Participant

"I just want to let you know that I have thoroughly enjoyed this session even though I did not participate fully. I am eating mindfully and have encouraged all of my visitors to join me in this change. I consciously drink more water and it has become second nature now. I am inspired to read labels more closely and make wiser choices. I have also adjusted to eating less by thinking how full I am - previously I did not want to leave food on my plate but now I realize it is OK to do so." Group Participant

"Diets and willpower: For years it is what I thought was necessary to lose weight. Jackie taught me that healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle does not mean deprivation. In fact the opposite is true, It means strength, energy and confidence.  Through one on one coaching with Jackie I Iost 12 pounds and 4 inches in 3 months. Like many people I thought I knew a lot about healthy eating. While I was off to a good start, I was not seeing the results I wanted. I had a lot to learn and more importantly... unlearn. Jackie provided the very necessary education around food and old mindsets that dictate behavioral patterns. Most importantly, Jackie provided the support and encouragement to help guide me on the path to wellness. My journey continues, but I am armed with the knowledge, confidence and support (when/ if needed) to continue my success. Jackie understands that while you can not always be perfect, you can build the skills necessary that will keep your true to yourself, honoring your body and mind.  When you’re ready to stop making excuses... call Jackie!!  

"Jackie has been great to work with, her program is straightforward and easy to learn and follow. Her daily inspirations are wonderful and the weekly check ins were always super helpful. If you have any questions she was always available to answer and provided great suggestions. She helped me think about the mental aspect of weight loss and managing my health, which I hadn’t really focused on before. I would recommend Jackie’s program to anyone. Thanks for helping with my health journey!" {before & after photos below}
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